0%If you have just started your journey in the world of finance, it is important that you keep your credit history positive. An excellent alternative for this is the Self Visa, as it sends a monthly bureau to the three mains responsible for protecting credit.
That’s why it’s important that you use a credit card that helps you raise your score, to maintain good financial health, but also not to have your name on credit protection agencies. In addition, its brand allows you to shop for services and products in most stores across the country.
Main advantages of the Self Visa
- Choose your credit limit: What seems impossible to some, using the Self Visa card is totally possible: you can choose your own credit limit starting at $100.
- Accessible to all: Anyone can apply for a Self Visa card, regardless of their credit history.
- Your tool to build credit: Regardless of how high your credit score is, it’s never too late to improve it.
For more information and to apply for the Self Visa card, click on the button below.