

If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’re interested in seeing how you can request your Mastercard Reflex Platinum. Next, we will present some more details about this credit card that has everything to be the solution for your finances.

Therefore, by knowing the main benefits linked to the Mastercard Reflex credit card, you will know more details about it. In addition, at the end, we will show you how to access its advantages by requesting it.

More benefits of the Mastercard Reflex

In closing, the Reflex Mastercard is a type of card that is preferred for those who have a bad credit history and want to rebuild their score. As a result, its users seek to focus on prioritizing spending, so that their payments are regularized. See below other advantages and benefits of having this card:

  • No Security Deposit Required: with the Reflex MasterCard is that a security deposit is not required.
  • Mobile Banking: Reflex MasterCard provides all its customers with free mobile banking anywhere and anytime so they can consciously keep an eye on their spending and savings.
  • Upgradable credit limit: After the one-year period, if the company notices that your credit history has improved.
  • Build your credit score: the Reflex card gives monthly reports to major credit bureaus.


Mastercard Brand Benefits

Mastercard brand is already a great benefit, considering that its own brand facilitates access to payments, as it is accepted in most establishments in the country.

Despite not having any benefits program, your card, as previously mentioned, will allow you to make your purchases safely anywhere, in addition to being accepted abroad.

Why chooses Reflex

When you purchase this card, you’ll have a fully dedicated customer support team that understands the importance of helping customers manage credit conscientiously. In this way, each customer acquires accurate educational tools for them to succeed in managing their personal credit.

Mandatory documents and requirements to join Reflex

  • Be over 18 years old
  • Reside in American territory

These are the only requirements required by the CFC for the issuance of the Reflex card, and it is not necessary to have a minimum income, for example. However, at the time of application, along with your personal documents (which must be presented), you will need to present proof of income, just so that the bank can determine your limit.

Apply for the Mastercard Reflex card now!

So, if you still want to apply for the Reflex card, click the button below to go to your application page.


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